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TODO Trigger

Tie special actions to converting between TODOs and DONEs!


This extension supports the following configuration options, to be specified in the TODO Triggers Home settings panel within Roam Depot:

  • Append Text - (Optional) The text to add to the end of a block when an item flips from TODO to DONE. It supports the following place holders:

    • /Current Time - inserts the current time

    • /Today (deprecated) - inserts the the current day

    • {now}- inserts the current day. Use {now:skip dnp} to skip adding the current day when the TODO is on a daily note page.

  • On Todo - (Optional) The text to add to the end of a block, when a block first becomes a TODO. It supports the following place holders:

    • /Current Time - inserts the current time

    • /Today (deprecated) - inserts the the current day

    • {now}- inserts the current day. Use {now:skip dnp} to skip adding the current day when the TODO is on a daily note page.

  • Replace Tags - (Optional) The set of pairs that you would want to be replaced upon switching between todo and done. Multiple pairs are deliminited by | and each pair is delimited by ,. For example, Replace Tags:: #toRead, #Read | #toWrite, #Written

    • There are a couple of placeholders this option supports. {date} maps to any date tag and {today} maps to today. So you could configure Replace Tags:: {date}, {today} to replace a date tag with today's date.
  • Strikethrough - (Optional) Set to True to strikethrough blocks with {{[[DONE]]}}.

  • Classname - (Optional) Set to True to add a roamjs-done classname to blocks with {{[[DONE]]}}. You could then style the block to your liking with roam/css.

  • Explode - (Optional) Set to True to play a fun animation when the TODO is finished

  • Send To Block - (Optiona) Set to a page name or a block reference to send the completed TODO to be a child of that node.

Anytime a TODO checkbox becomes DONE, either by user click or keyboard shortbut, the "Done" action fires. Similarly, when a DONE checkbox becomes TODO, the "Todo" action fires. This extension also works on multiple blocks at once.

When "Append Text" is configured, the "Done" action appends the configured text to the end of the block. The "Todo" action removes the configured text from the end of the block.

When "Replace Tags" is configured, the "Done" action replaces each pair's first tag with the second tag. The "Todo" action does the same replacement in reverse.

When "Strikethrough" is configured the "Done" action adds a strikethrough to the block. The "Todo" action removes it.

When None are configured, nothing happens.


TODONT Mode allows users to archive todos, by replacing the {{[[TODO]]}} with a {{[[ARCHIVED]]}}. To enable, switch on icon in the TODONT MODE field in your Roam Depot Settings.

To archive a TODO, just hit CMD+SHIFT+ENTER (CTRL in windows). In the text area it inserts {{[[ARCHIVED]]}} at the beginning of the block. Any TODOs or DONEs will be replaced with an ARCHIVED. If an ARCHIVED exists, it will be cleared. If none of the above exists, an ARCHIVED is inserted in the block.

To change the CSS styling of the archive display, you'll want to change the CSS associated with the roamjs-todont class.

If the value is strikethrough, the extension will strikethrough the blocks marked with {{[[ARCHIVED]]}}.
